ID readers automate product identification processes using barcode scanning/ reading or image analysis. They are used in a wide range of industrial applications and machines, in the Retail, Electronic, Automotive, Pharma, Food and Beverage and Logistic industries.
1Vision offers a wide selection of Datalogic image based scanners and laser barcode readers. Datalogic is a global technology leader in the automatic data capture and process automation industry, specializing in the designing and production of bar code readers, and vision and laser marking systems. Let us help you find the ID reader that best suits your needs!
Finding the ID reader that is best for you
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Image based readers offer image-analysis-based automation of product identification processes, such as scanning the dimensions of parcels to ensure accurate billing or the sorting of tires in a production environment.
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Laser Bar Code Scanners
Wide range of high performance laser scanners for industrial applications in the Electronic, Automotive, Pharma, Food&Beverage and Logistic applications
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