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Vieworks’ Newest TDI Line Scan Camera with GigE Interface

Vieworks’ Newest TDI Line Scan Camera with GigE Interface

01 November, 2019

Vieworks is released the newest Time Delay Integration (TDI) line scan cameras. There will be 3 new GigE TDI line scan cameras with resolutions of in 3k, 4k and 6k.


Vieworks will redefine the bar for high-speed TDI line scan cameras. Currently there is no TDI line scan camera with GigE interface in the market. Vieworks' new VT series delivers excellent responsivity in low-light environment for such as textile, printing, and tile inspection. Not only does new VT series offer high sensitivity with up to 256 stages, high speed up to 38 kHz, but also an easy integration with low cost.


Key Features:

 - High speed of up to 38 kHz line rate in 3k/4k/6k resolutions

 - Up to 256 stages

 - GigE Vision interface

 - Lowers overall system costs

 - Vieworks SDK/API/Libraries available with the cameras


Seamless Integration with GigE interface

GigE offers wide technological flexibility in terms of cable length and multi-camera setup. Because GigE cameras do not require costly frame grabbers and cables, it is an ideal solution for customers who seek a cost-effective solution with simple integration.

 Vieworks provides SDK for GigE Vision interface to support powerful tools such as Device Observer, IP Changer and Spider Logger. Vieworks new 3 models will enable many more applications in the machine vision market and reduce price of the system.

 Novel Hybrid TDI Technology

Based on the world first, proprietary hybrid sensor technology introduced by Vieworks, the new models further expand an already large product line. Combining CCD and CMOS imaging technologies and integrating the best features from both, revolutionized the line scan market.

 The underling CMOS structure of the sensors enables high speed readout, eliminates the need of expensive and complex external circuitry and lowers the power consumption. By incorporating the CCD photo sites, the sensor keeps superior image quality from CCD in terms of signal to noise ratio and dynamic range. Additionally, the integration process of TDI camera does not add any noise because it involves the charge transfer.

 "The new Vieworks TDI cameras will eliminate the need of a frame grabber, therefore the system integrators will be able to lower the overall cost of the system," said Mr. Park, Project Leader of new VT series. "We also believe that TDI cameras with GigE interface are perfect for many European customers requiring high image quality, low cost yet not requiring high recording speed." The new models will be available immediately.


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