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Macro Motorized Zoom Lens

Macro Motorized Zoom Lenses are designed for a long working distance. Macro motorized zoom lenses are mainly used for automating machine vision applications due to their ability to observe objects at variable distances.

Macro Motorized Zoom Lens Products
Part # Description CATEGORY SUB CATEGORY Sensor Format MANUFACTURER Datasheet Mount MOD Focus Type Iris Type Zoom Type Opt. Mag.
VSZ-0745-MR The VSZ-MR is the motorized version of a subset of VSZ lenses. Designed for a long 100mm WD it is great for automating machine vision applications needing to see objects at variable distances. Optics Motorized Zoom Lens; 2/3ʺ VS Download C 100 Manual Manual Manual 0.75 to 4.5
VSZ-0745CO-MR The VSZ-MR is the motorized version of a subset of VSZ lenses. Designed for a long 100mm WD it is great for automating machine vision applications needing to see objects at variable distances. Optics Macro Motorized Zoom Lens 2/3ʺ VS Download C 100 Manual Manual Manual 0.75 to 4.5
VSZ-0530-MR The VSZ-MR is the motorized version of a subset of VSZ lenses. Designed for a long 100mm WD it is great for automating machine vision applications needing to see objects at variable distances. Optics Macro Motorized Zoom Lens 1/1.8ʺ VS Download C 100 Manual Manual Manual 0.47 to 3.0
VSZ-0530CO-MR The VSZ-MR is the motorized version of a subset of VSZ lenses. Designed for a long 100mm WD it is great for automating machine vision applications needing to see objects at variable distances. Optics Macro Motorized Zoom Lens 1/1.8ʺ VS Download C 100 Manual Manual Manual 0.47 to 3.0
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