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BitFlow is a leading manufacturer of digital Camera Link and CoaXPress frame grabbers (an electronic device used to get images from a camera into a computer).

BitFlow has a frame grabber model for almost every camera manufactured. Whether your camera is CoaXPress or Camera Link or even Differential, BitFlow can provide the interface. At the high end is the Cyton-CXP, which is a quad CXP-6 link frame grabber that can capture from the fastest CoaXPress cameras made today and DMA even faster at up to 4.0 GB/S. At the affordable end is the Neon-CL family, which handle one, two or four Camera Link Base cameras. Looking for a differential solution, check out the Neon-DIF, which brings differential cameras and devices into the modern world of 64-bit operating systems and PCIe speed. 

Part Number

Camera Link Frame Grabbers


Neon Base for 1 Base camera w/ PoCL


Neon Dual Base for 1 or 2 Base cameras w/ PoCL


Neon Quad Base for 1, 2, 3, or 4 Base cameras w/ PoCL


Axion 1xE for 1 Base, Medium, Full or 80-bit camera w/ PoCL


Axion 2xE for 2 Base, Medium, Full or 80-bit cameras w/ PoCL


Axion 2xE for 2 Base, Medium, Full or PCI 80-bit cameras w/PoCL with SIO cable


Part Number

CoaXPress Frame Grabbers


Aon Single channel CoaXPress frame grabber (1x CXP-6)


Cyton Dual Channel CoaXPress frame grabber (2x CXP-6)


Cyton Quad Channel CoaXPress frame grabber (4 x CXP-6)


Claxon Quad Channel CoaXPress frame grabber (4 x CXP-12)


Part Number

Differential Frame Grabbers


Neon PCI Express Differential 32-bit frame grabber with scan-reversal


BitFlow Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a powerful way to get images into your application from all of BitFlow's frame grabbers. The current SDK release is the result of over many years of experience writing drivers for camera interface hardware, and our engineers have years of experience in this same area before they started at BitFlow. The goal has always been the same, produce and easy to use and learn SDK, one that isn't bloated with 1000's of functions that you'll never use, but has enough power and flexibility to help you get your application written quickly and efficiently. The SDK provides APIs that let you program the boards at many different levels. From low level hardware control to high level board-generic circular buffer management, the BitFlow SDK gives exactly as much control as you need, while at the same timing maintain the smallest possible application footprint.

Part Number

BitFlow Software (works with all products)


Software Development Kit - Windows Version Includes drivers, examples, source code and manuals


Software Development Kit - Linux Version Includes drivers, examples, source code and manuals (also includes a copy of SW-SDK-WIN)


Upgrade from SW-SDK-WIN to SW-SDK-LNX



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