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The CLS-222 Camera Link PoCL Simulator is an affordable high-performance video test pattern generator supporting all Camera Link configura-tions (base, medium, full, 72-bit, 80-bit). The CLS-222 supports all Camera Link video formats in-cluding those introduced in the new Camera Link v2.1 specification. Fully programmable video tim-ing enables the CLS-222 to mimic the characteris-tics of almost any camera. New features include enhanced timing performance, bayer color support, and color bar & pseudo-random video patterns. Control is via an RS-232 port, USB, or frame grabber comm port. The CLS-222 also supports the AIA validation test pattern. The CLS-222 detects power and mimics PoCL camera characteristics at both connectors, supporting newer PoCL cameras. Connectors are the smaller SDR/HDR type typically used with PoCL devices. Very useful for the development and test both PoCL and non-PoCL frame grabbers or other acquisition devices, and easy to use with included quick-configuration software.
CATEGORY Accessories
SUB CATEGORY CameraLink Simulators;
Datasheet Download
IF Side1 Camera Link
IF Side2 Camera Link
Freq range [MHz] 10-95
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