The in-line CoaXPress repeater is designed to transmit and receive signals on 75 ohm coaxial cable. In one direction an 8b/10b coded downlink signal is transmitted between 1.25 Gbps and 12.5 Gbps. In the opposite direction, a lower speed 8b/10b coded uplink signal is transmitted at 21Mbps or 42Mbps. The repeater performs equalising, re-clocking and cable driving functions for both the up and downlinks. Multiple repeaters can be used in a single connection to extend cable distance to suit individual applications. The repeater requires power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) to operate, negating the need for an external power source. The repeater is directional and must be inserted into the transmission line as indicated on the coaxial ports. An LED indicator is lit when the port is in use.