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DMM 36CX297-ML

The Imaging Source offers high-performance board cameras with FPD-Link III (SerDes cameras) for embedded vision applications requiring long cable distances between sensor and platform. The cameras are ideal for plug-and-play integration with The Imaging Source's embedded development kits for NVIDIA® Jetson™ platforms and Raspberry Pi. The Imaging Source's specially developed MIPI deserializer boards give system engineers maximum flexibility in connecting sensor modules to the desired target platform. The Imaging Source's FPD-Link III board cameras feature the latest CMOS image sensors from Sony and onsemi (global and rolling shutter) and are compatible with a wide range of M12 lenses and C/CS mount lenses. The included software allows for adjustment of parameters such as gain, exposure, frame rate, and white balance. Select models are available with a choice of input, output, strobe, and trigger options.

SUB CATEGORY Board Cameras
Camera Type Area
Resolution [MPixel] 0.4
Width [Pixel] 720
Height [Pixel] 540
FrameRate [f/s] 120
Sensor Format 1/2.9ʺ
Pixel W[µm] 6.9
Pixel H[µm] 6.9
Interface FPD-Link
Sensor Type CMOS
Shutter Type Global
Bit_Depth 10
MANUFACTURER The Imaging Source
Size 30x30x27.5
Sensor Manufacturer Sony
Sensor Model IMX297
Type Board
Auto Iris No
Mount M12x0.5
Temp. Range -5° to 45°C
ColorMono Mono
Sensor Format Range a: 1/3" ~ 6mm
Frame_Rate_Range e: 101~200
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